Fall in!
Aaron returns once again and with him is Pat Sampson, Kevin Reitzel, and listener Brad Abraham to talk about issue 19... Joe Triumph!
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Joe Triumph, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero 19 |
Credits for this issue are:
G.I. Joe a Real American Hero #19 Cover Date: January 1984
On Sale Date: October 11, 1983
Cover Price: $0.60
Title: "Joe Triumphs"
Writer: Larry Hama
Penciller: Mike Vosburg
Inker: Jon D'Agostino
Letterer: Rick L. Parker
Colorist: George Roussos
Editor: Linda Grant
Cover Credits
Penciller: Mike Vosburg
Inker: Jon D'Agostino
Reprinted In:
G.I. Joe Comics Magazine #7 (1987)
G.I. Joe Vol. 2 TPB (2002)
As always, this information comes from: Mikes Amazing World of Comics
This episode we continue the Joe's adventures as they fight Cobra and Destro! Also this issue, we get deaths of several prime characters...
Then at 58 minutes in to the show, we look at the seventh episode of the regular cartoon with "Red Rocket's Glare" written by Mary Skrenes.
This episode first aired September 24, 1985.
Stay tuned after I say good bye for the monthly PSA, my closing credits and a special song dedicated to one of our losses this month!
As always, we can be found here at http://gijoe.headspeaks.com and over on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher radio.
You can e-mail us at gijoe@headspeaks.com and let us know what you think!
If you want to send us an MP3 with your comments, feel free to do so and we'll play it on the air.
You can also find us on The Headcast Network.
While you're at it, leave some feedback either on our site, Facebook or over on Apple Podcasts. Me and the team would love it!
Check out our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/gijoearealamericanheadcast
It all Comes back to Superman: Where Michael Bailey talks about... well, yeah, Superman.
Fandom Podcast: One of Kevin's podcasts.
The Longbox Crusade: Pat's main show.. Where he attempts to read all of his comics....
Fandom Podcast: One of Kevin's podcasts.
The Longbox Crusade: Pat's main show.. Where he attempts to read all of his comics....
Our guest hosts can be located at:
Pat Sampson can be found at: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Kevin Reitzel: https://fpnet.podbean.com/
Links to the Facebook page Kevin spoke about:
The Finest CosPlay Facebook pageThe Finest Recruitment Facebook page.
Join us next month as we look at issue 20 of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, the seventh episode of G.I. Joe, the regular series, with me and the guys.
Be sure to visit your local comic shop and check out the continuing adventures of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero by IDW. While you're there, look and see if there is anything else that strikes your fancy.
Joes, Dismissed!
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